Just one step from sample to result.
Lab direct qPCR
Our Lab direct qPCR kits enable for fast and sensitive analysis directly from unprocessed sample(s) and neither require a complicated multi-step protocol for sample preparation nor for qPCR setup.
All reagents required are provided in ready-to-use solutions, simply add the patient sample to the reaction solution and start your run.

Choose your Lab direct kit
Coming soon
COVID-19 & FLU A/B direct RT-PCR
COVID-19 & FLU A/B direct RT-PCR is uniquely designed to detect Influenza A/B as well as SARS-CoV-2 RNA and the mutation N501Y, respectively directly from u(an) nprocessed patient sample (s)on a commercial qPCR cycler.
Product specifications
Feature | Specifications |
Application | Identification of SARS-CoV-2 (incl. N501Y) and Influenza A/B |
Species | Human |
Sample type | Nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab |
Assay type | RT-qPCR (reverse transcription quantitative PCR) |
Assay format | 8-strip; 96-/384-well microtiterplate |
Currently under development
COVID-19 & FLU A/B & RSV direct RT-PCR
COVID-19 & FLU A/B & RSV direct RT-PCR kit currently under development will detect SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A/B and RSV directly from sample tube on a commercial qPCR cycler.
Product specifications
Feature | Specifications |
Application | Identification of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A/B and RSV |
Species | Human |
Sample type | Nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab |
Assay type | RT-qPCR (reverse transcription quantitative PCR) |
Assay format | 8-strip; 96-/384-well microtiterplate |
Currently under development
MRSA direct PCR
The MRSA direct PCR kit currently under development will detect MRSA directly from sample tube on a commercial qPCR cycler.
Product specifications
Feature | Specifications |
Application | Identification of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) |
Species | Gram-positive bacteria |
Sample type | Nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal or wound swab |
Assay type | qPCR |
Assay format | 8-strip; 96-/384-well microtiterplate |
Don’t worry if you haven´t found what you need! We are able to provide customised real-time PCR kits that meet your requirements.
Tell us about your application and one of our scientists will get in touch.
Your benefits with Lab direct

Time saving
Get your results in
less than 1 hour.

Cost saving
No prior isolation/purification steps necessary.

Low contamination risk
Handle the sample just once.

Low failure susceptibility
One-step-protocol facilitates easy (to follow) assay handling.

No device limitations
Result generation possible via various qPCR-cyclers.

No format limitations
Test can be performed from 8-strip to 96-/384-well format.
The Lab direct qPCR one-step protocol

Prepare reaction mix
by mixing the provided
ready-to-use solutions A and B.

Add unprocessed sample
to the reaction mix
in 8-strip to 384-well format.

Get your result
in less than 1 hour and
on any qPCR cycler.
Use Lab direct
together with CYCLE® Dx
We are currently working on integrating our Lab direct assays to our CYCLE® Dx platform technology
to provide highly sensitive near patient diagnostics.